This project ended up being a two part by coincidence. Based off of the World of Warcraft character, Sylvanas Windrunner, I was able to create a fan art project while simultaneously using the project for coursework and feedback. Within the course structure at SCAD, there is a dedicated organic modelling course (ANIM 359), and a texturing in substance painter course (ANIM 369). Sylvanas started out in the modelling course. Step one was finding references and turnarounds to base the sculpt on. Sculpting was taught in both Maya and Zbrush, but I ended up going with Zbrush as I was more comfortable in it.

After peer and professor feedback, I was able to take the base anatomy sculpt of the model and refine it to fit closer to the features and look presented in my reference. While body shapes and armor pieces were relatively easy to sculpt, facial features was definitely where I struggled more when it came to her. Once her base organic features were created, I was able to focus more on the armor and accessories her character would need.

In both Zbrush courses I’ve taken, armor modelling has definitely been the highlight for them. Being able to craft intricate and unique pieces, while keeping in mind their tactile qualities, gave me enough challenge and creative freedom to create an entire armor set. The engravings on the model were hand sculpted in Zbrush on the high poly version. Once I was happy with the look, I created a low poly version and proceeded to retopologize the primary pieces in Maya.

After the retopo was completed, I was able to pose her using a still from Mixamo. I then took the file back into Maya and made adjustments to the quick rig to enhance emotion and stance for the final. I then added a flag and pedestal to give more variation in the overall look.

In the next course, our final project is classified as dealer’s choice. I saw it as a unique opportunity to bring back the Sylvanas sculpt and see how it would look with textures attached. I did a mixture of stylistic and realistic textures, based on her in-game and cinematic trailer look. Specifically in places like the leather armor and skin where it seemed better to trade one out for the other. Minor issues still exist due to not thinking I would end up texturing the model, but on an overall I am very happy with how it turned out and am excited to implement the fixes to make it stand out even more.